Emergency Dentistry & Same Day Appointments


A dental emergency can be a frightening experience, which is why you want to make sure you know a good dentist who can provide you with urgent care. Parissa Djafari, DDS, offers exceptional emergency dentistry and same-day treatments at her state-of-the-art clinic in Riverside, California. If you have a dental emergency, call or visit the office immediately.

Emergency Dentistry & Same-Day Treatment

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry is dental care that’s specifically geared to urgent situations. Whether you’ve been in a car accident or suffered an injury while playing sports, the team offers same-day appointments to provide immediate pain management, infection control, and restoration of your smile.

The team at Parissa Djafari, DDS is highly skilled at providing care in urgent and high-stakes situations and can work to restore your oral health while keeping you calm and relaxed.

If you’ve suffered head or neck trauma in addition to your dental emergency, you should seek medical attention for those conditions before seeing the team.

What are some common dental emergencies?

Examples of dental emergencies include:

  • Knocked-out teeth
  • Cuts or tears on your inner cheeks, gums, or lips
  • Broken, fractured, or chipped teeth
  • Lost fillings or crowns
  • Severe toothache

If you’re unsure if your condition is a dental emergency, call the office immediately. The friendly and knowledgeable team of dental experts can help you determine if you need to be treated immediately.

How should I handle a dental emergency?

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, call or visit the office as soon as possible. Getting proper treatment within 30 minutes of your emergency could make all the difference in saving your tooth.

If you’ve knocked out your tooth, there are some measures you can take before seeing the team that could make it more likely that they can save your tooth.

First, try to find your tooth. If you can locate it, pick it up by the crown (the top part), being careful to not touch the roots. Rinse the tooth and your mouth with warm water, and gently try to reinsert the tooth back into its socket. If you’re able to get it back in, gently bite down to keep it in place until you can see the team.

If you’re unable to get it back in the socket, keep it in the side of your mouth or in a glass of milk or saliva. This helps prevent the roots from drying out.

For all of your dental emergencies, call the office immediately or pay a visit to the clinic.

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Hours of Operation


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-5:30 pm


9:00 am-1:30 pm



